We laid low most of yesterday and then went to see the nephews around lunch time. After that it was nearing nap time so we decided to use some coupons my mom had to go to the zoo. It was fun although we got sprinkled on a bit it was worth it. We saw almost everything and got some exercise to boot! Here are some of our favorite pics from the zoo~
Last night Jon got hit with the worst of the altitude sickness and instead of the planned outing with Dad to go to Bible study, he ended up back at my parents house curled up asleep in the lay-z-boy. Again, glad plans are flexible! I had planned to visit with Stacie, a dear friend, to have dinner & catch up with life. Since my Mom was playing nurse for Jon and there was nothing anyone could do but let him sleep, and he was quite understanding about my girly-date I was still able to visit with Stacie for a bit.
Fortunately this morning Jon was feeling better. Yay! We met my Dad for lunch at Noodle & Co. - we don't have one in MO so I'm always glad to go when we're back here. We tried to go see The Dark Knight afterwards but the times for the IMAX showing changed from yesterday when I looked.... :-( So Jon & my Dad went to the shooting range and I hung out with Mom and saw a family friend to kill time before the next showing. We went back and saw the later showing-very good, very intense, definitely will end up buying it and watching it over and over.... :-) Got pizza with Dad afterwards and then it was chill-time, which is always a good thing on vacation.
With the trip half-way over I'm already getting a little sad about going home but am doing my best to focus instead on all the wonderful things yet to come this trip! :-)
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