We are officially in CO - Began driving Sunday after church ( and after we finally packed! ) and stopped half way in Hays, KS. On the way we took a "side-trip" to Wilson's Lake. Several miles off the highway we found it and it was very pretty although we thought we'd never find it!
Finished our drive in yesterday, getting here shortly before 1pm. Yesterday was also my Dad's birthday so we had a celebratory dinner at my bro's house with the parents, his wife Melissa, and the two rug-rats, Jonah & Mason. They both, especially Jonah, attacked Jon and spent most of the night hanging off him wanting to play play play haha
We got left-overs to take back to our hotel room (yay mini-fridge) but I'm not sure when we'll eat them!The matress however is hard as a rock! We hit up Walmart for a egg-cushion-thingy and it definitely helped, thank goodness! Unfortunately Jon isn't feelin' so hot so we're hoping it's just some weird allergy to the new environment and if it's a cold hope it goes away fast! No fun to be sick on vacation. We'll be hangin' out with the family again today so many more stories to share later I'm sure!
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