We got to have lunch with just my brother today which was nice - Always nice to get more time with him without the kiddos climbing us haha From there I got to spend the afternoon with Tara - This was a great treat as she is one of 2 people I have been best friends with since Jr High - That was a loooooong time ago! She just had her first baby in April and this was the first time to meet Ian. It was a great time to be a part of her mommy experience for a short time. We went to Chapel Hills, the mall we frequented as kids, walked around, got Orange Julius' like when we were kids, and even went into Claire's to look at cheap jewelry and giggle at the teen girls in there who reminded us of ourselves 10 years ago. :-)
Meanwhile Jon tooled around the Springs, going into some stores, napping, and generally having some chill time - Very cool husband to let me disappear for an entire afternoon!
Tonight we met with my parents and god-parents, Rick & Kathy Kite, for dinner. It would not be a complete trip without seeing the Kites (we'll see her daughter & family Saturday!). They are indeed my 2nd set of parents and I treasure the amazing yet rare relationship we've always had with them. We were at dinner a good 2 hours and I'm so glad we had that time together. Yay family :-)
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