He took his vaccinations like quite the trooper, we were both proud and relieved! He'd stopped crying by the time we left the office (after being fed haha) and slept for about 4 straight hours. No side effects at all! I definitely got some crying out before we even got to the appointment and I managed to not tear up until right after they were done when I picked him up and he was screaming... ugh. I hate we have to go through this so many times in the next few years, esp this first year. I'm glad I had Jon to go with me though. I might make sure of that every time if I can! Could I do it alone? Sure. But I don't wanna :p
He started recognizing himself in the mirror last week which is possibly one of the cutest things, esp when he smiles at himself haha His general smiles and coos have definitely become more common and his actual responses to us are so fun now! I told Jon last night I'm going to try and really relish this time when he's a momma's boy because I know by the time he's about 4 he's gonna be daddy's little buddy and mom isn't likely going to be *as* important :( But hard to say I suppose since we haven't done this before haha I'm just preparing myself... kinda :p
In other news, Jon is really enjoying his job with the police department which definitely makes for a happier hubby and therefore a happier home! We're so blessed for him to have a good and secure job right now! I still personally think cops don't get paid as much as they should. If you have to put on a bullet proof vest to go to work you should make a little more money, yes?
The newest thing going on right now is I got into a nursing school! I'll be starting the LPN program next month and will graduate June 2012. I'm pretty darn excited esp since I've been working slowly on pre-reqs nearly since we got married. It's crazy timing but we have a great sitter and my in-laws have been super helpful with him. It kind of becomes one of those things that you just have to bite the bullet and do it because there's really no time that things like going back to school is going to be "convenient". I got a part time job working as a nanny for the summer while my class load is lighter. Then this fall I'll be a full-time student, no working. Gotta focus on those grades! If I have anything less than an 80% in a course I get dropped so no getting bad grades for me! Hopefully it's a really good teacher-that makes so much difference!
Here are a few random pictures we've taken over the past couple of weeks :)
I seriously cannot say this enough. He is one of the cutest baby boys I have ever laid eyes on and honey, I've seen some cuties! He is just so perfect! Oh and the best part about boys are that they NEVER stop being mommas boys (if you're really good like the Water Boy's mom). B spends alone time with Nip and picks him for bath time and checking pooey booty but I get the snuggles and art and specially concocted drinks and when Nip isn't home I let him brush my hair (don't tell anyone!)
And congrats on your nursing school and future plans. It's all very exciting. And true public safety officers not being paid right. Sometimes it's a means to an end. It's just sad you can make more in private sector.
He's so cute! Glad you are doing well and getting into school. You're right, there's never a good time. I'm going back right now and it's stressful with both boys, but luckily we have a great support system right now so it's not horrible :). Good luck!
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