So life has been a little busy! I'm 9 weeks from graduating and taking my license exam to be an LPN. I'll finish my RN from there but I'm taking a short break from homework first!
Easter was even more fun this year as I know every holiday will be as Connor gets older and enjoys things more. We went to a restaurant on Saturday that was having a Brunch with the Easter bunny. He was definitely not thrilled! The reaction was a smidge better than it was with Santa but he definitely was not about to go anywhere near him. The bunny patted him on the arm and Connor *freaked out*. Really quite entertaining lol

His first spotting of the bunny. He was questioning even from afar!

Yes I'm laughing at his reaction because, let's face it, it's funny and he won't remember being "traumatized" hehe

French toast sticks! The happy part of brunch haha

So big!
For Easter Sunday we stayed at Jon's parents for the day so he wasn't overwhelmed by two family gatherings and that was probably good since he *still* never napped the whole day! He was just too busy to sleep :p We got a few good pictures and I'm so glad. I've been so bad at taking pictures lately I'm going to have to beg my mother in law to email me the ones she takes when they babysit!
We got a four generation picture which was awesome