Connor David Maag was born 12/30 at 4:45 am, 9lbs 5 oz at 20.5 inches

I began early labor on Tuesday the 28th. I spoke w/ my doula and she confirmed yes I was in early labor, to get some rest, eat & she'd probably see me that night. Jon and I enjoyed the day together. So far the contractions weren't bad, especially compared to the cramps I've had since I was 11. They were getting progressively worse and closer together although irregular. Around 4:30/5:00 they went up a notch in severity and we knew we were making progress which was both exciting and scary! We called our doula in around 7:30 that night as I was having a hard time working through them on my own. She came and we all worked through them using different positions, counter pressure, breathing, a hot shower, etc. Around 1am they had been that magic 5+1+1 equation for over an hour so we headed to the hospital sure that I was far enough along to be admitted. We were all shocked and baffled to find out I was only dilated to a 1... I cried. Of course we got sent home and at this point it was around 3:30am. I already had my 40 wk appointment scheduled that morning so we were just hoping to get some good news at that appointment. Meanwhile, Jon's swearing in for the Gladstone Police Department was *that morning* at 10... I ended up getting sleep in 5 minute increments as my contractions continued to come 5 minutes apart the rest of the night.
Fortunately we found out at my appointment I was dilated to a 4 (thank God) so they kept me. Jon wasn't able to get there till mid-afternoon due to all the police stuff he had to attend to but our doula was with me so we both were comfortable with him finishing what he needed to do that day. The contractions kept changing pattern. I'd have a cluster of them being just a few minutes apart but then have a 20 minute span where I didn't have any. It was weird but they certainly didn't hurt any less! Around 7 we broke my water because I'd only made it to a 6 after laboring all day with consistently intense contractions just not a regular pattern. Well that definitely upped the severity and brought them closer together so we all thought for sure this would be what was needed. Nope... They checked me 2 hours later and no progress. Being as I hadn't slept in 2 days we were becoming concerned about my epilepsy and sleep deprivation at this point. By this point I'd been in labor for over 30 hrs and hadn't actually slept since I'd begun early labor. We decided I should get the epidural so I could have a shot at sleeping. After the epidural we started the lowest level (a 1) but Connor wasn't handling it well. They had to come in and put me on oxygen for him which fortunately was all he needed but that also mean we couldn't use a higher level and I still hadn't progressed past a 6! They had also put in an internal monitor on my uterine wall (no contact w/ him) to see if my contractions were even productive and they weren't.
At this point it was 2-something in the morning and we were all so tired. The Dr's came in and said being as we exhausted pretty much every option they would have to recommend a c-section. Obviously that's the last thing, esp a first time mom, wants to do. However there really wasn't any other option at that point. They rolled me in to prep and then brought in Jon. I had a fabulous anesthesiologist through the whole thing and really all the dr's & nurses were amazing. The Dr's had actually looked at my birth plan! They had all been very cooperative since we got there which was a true blessing. They got Connor out and took him to for evaluation and suction, etc. Jon and I were waiting for that all important cry... As soon as he cried we cried haha Jon spent the next few minutes wiping away my tears and then went over to check on Connor. Jon brought him over to me all wrapped up so I could at least see and nuzzle him. Then Jon headed off w/ him to the nursery and I got stitched and stapled up. I later found out, when Jon joined me in the recover room, took me to recovery and Jon joined me later telling me he was over 9 lbs - quite a shock! They finally brought him in and we were able to at least initiate nursing. It wasn't entirely effective but when they brought him back after his bath he latched right on which was very exciting!
At the end of it all, 40 hrs from its beginning, we had a beautiful baby boy, absolutely perfect and healthy. It's cliche and I never fully believed the mom's who said it but, it was all so completely worth it! I got my staples out yesterday and he got a clean bill of health from the pediatrician (it was a big day!). So far the healing process on my end has gone amazingly well and I'm so grateful. I made myself get up and walk around the room, take a shower, etc. the day after and I know that has helped. Jon was able to not officially start his new job till the following Monday evening so he was at the hospital with me the whole time and then we came home together Saturday evening. I'm so grateful, I can't imagine not having him all that time! So far we're adjusting to the whole "parenthood" thing, working on nightly feedings and such. He's completely precious especially when he's not crying ;) For the most part he's a pretty good baby. He definitely doesn't have an "infant cry" so when he cries it's a pretty good volume already! Sorry for not updating this for a while~things were fairly boring for a bit there but not so much anymore! We weren't able to get a lot of pictures at the hospital but I do have a few we've taken. I've got to get in a better habit of taking pictures of him every day!
Jon all suite up for my c-section

First pictures~

Possibly one of my favorite pics so far-We were still at the hospital and Connor was just inconsolable. We happened to lay him on the bed and Jon squatted down next to him. Well Connor got a *death grip* on Jon's fingers and would not let go~He held on to Jon, stopped crying, and just laid there like that for a long time. Sweetest thing he'd done yet :)

Heading home from the hospital!

A couple random shots at home enjoying his random facial expressions (of which he has * a lot *