Hard to believe but I am 7 months today! It is certainly going fast! I unveiled my birth plan (well the condensed, bullet-point version) to my Dr today & thank God he was totally cool with it :) Here's the bullet-point version for your "reading pleasure" ~
• I would like to be free to walk around & change my positions throughout labor.
• I would like to be able to have fluids & other nurishment by mouth throughout labor.
• I do not want an IV unless I become dehydrated but I will accept a heparine/saline lock for potential IV purposes.
• I would prefer intermittent to continuous monitoring.
Labor Augmentation/Induction
• I would prefer to be allowed to try changing position and other natural methods (walking, nipple stimulation) before considering medical induction including membrane rupture.
• I am hoping to protect the perineum by using perineal massage to avoid an episiotomy.
• I would appreciate guidance in when to push so the perineum can stretch.
Delivery & Immediately Following
• I would like to be allowed to choose the position in which I give birth.
• Even if I am fully dilated, and assuming My Son is not in distress, I would like to try to wait until I feel the urge to push before beginning the pushing phase.
• I would like to have My Son placed on my stomach/chest immediately after delivery.
• I would prefer that the umbilical cord stop pulsating before it is cut.
• I plan to keep My Son near me following birth and would appreciate if the evaluation of My Son can be done with him on my abdomen, with both of us covered by a warm blanket, including the need for heat lamps, unless there is an unusual situation.
• I would like to delay the eye medication for My Son until a couple hours after birth.
• The Hep B vaccine will not be administered to My Son.
• After the birth, I would prefer to be given time to urinate on my own.
• My plan is to initiate breast feeding immediately after birth.
• Unless required for health reasons, I do not wish to be separated from my baby.
• I do not want My Son to be given a pacifier or any bottles.
We are still unsure which vaccines we will decide to do but we do know we aren't going to be following "protocol". God-willing we will be lead to a pediatrician who will allow us to spread them out & choose the ones we feel comfortable with our son having. I am baffled how big a controversy vaccinations are now! Then again I suppose everything regarding pregnancy & child-rearing are whether it's based on "fact" or simply people's passionate opinions. I'm gradually beginning to not care what others think as long as Jon & I agree on what we choose which I suppose really is the most important thing! We are still interviewing doula's. We have one we like but her schedule may make it difficult to guarantee she will be there. She has a back up which is good but if we can find one who can 100% no doubt be in attendance regardless of when I go into labor that would be the ideal choice. We will keep you posted :)
Into the Unknown
5 years ago