Jon's parents have a boat up at Smithville lake. It's a sizeable boat with all sorts of amenities but yesterday we were more interested in the entertainment factor. Brandon, Kelly, Jon & I headed up after church, had lunch at the marina and hit the water. We were able to borrow a jet ski/seadoo thingy from a friend which was amazing. Jon drove the boat out while Brandon followed behind on the jet ski. We found a place in the cove to anchor down and spent the next couple hours taking turns on the jet ski and kicking back with cold beverages and enjoying the 80 degree weather - it was a beautiful day, perfect to be on the water! We didn't leave till around 6 and it's amazing how fast time goes when you're having fun with friends! But it's also amazing how tiring all that fun can be haha Jon and I got home, ordered some pizza and crashed on the couch but that part was fun too. Just to sit around and relax together. It's rare to spend a full day together and to spend it with good friends was even better! So thanks to his parents for letting us borrow the boat, Phil the-car-guy for the jet ski and Brandon & Kelly for coming along to make the day a party :o)
Pics of the day ~