Dad and Jon went to Bible study and I got some mom and me time :o)
The next day was a full day - We headed up to Estes Park (this is turning into a tradition of sorts).
We had lunch, stopped at a store that had nothing but Nebraska Husker wear (Jon's a big fan) and replaced Jon's baseball hat and got me a fleece in support of 'his' team haha We had lunch and got some pies to take to a dinner that night. From Estes we headed back through the Springs to Pueblo to have dinner with my god-sister and her family. We hadn't been down to their house yet and with 4 kids it's hard for them to meet us in the Springs in the middle of the week. It was so great to see their home and hangout with the kiddos! The following day I got to see 2 of my best friends and their baby boys while Dad and Jon went to the shooting range and to see 'Wolverine' (yay male bonding!). Tara and I decided to culture her baby boy Ian (ok so he's 1-year-old now but still a baby right?) We headed to the Pioneer Museum and got some cute pics.
We capped off that night with a dinner out at Salt Grass with my parents which was really nice. I don't think we were able to spend that much time with my parents last year and we got some nice quality time in which was great.
We ended the week hanging out with my nephews and my brother and sister-in-law. Then it was time to pack up and drive straight through Kansas home.
We got home in time for Jon to have enough daylight to mow the lawn haha I went and picked up Layla from our pastor's house, ordered some pizza and we watched a movie - Nice end to a short vacation!
It's always hard to go back to CO because there is just never enough time to see everyone I want to see - I hope I can go back soon, even just for a couple of days, and see some more friends but that remains to be seen. Just know that if you're reading this and I didn't see you it's not because you weren't on my mind - I just couldn't get to everyone and see my family too! :0)